As established in RIC/AFT 8.12, 专业活动包括研究, publication, grants or creativity and performance in the fine arts; leadership and service to the College; professional improvement; and leadership and service to community, state and nation. 这个列表提供了一些提出证据的例子, 但它既不全面,也不是强制性的.


Command of Subject

Course syllabi, 结合该领域的新发展, instructional innovation, 拓展你的知识或探索别人正在做的事情, new-course development.


课程教材、课程大纲、课程资源组织(如.g. Blackboard), 个人入息课税报表, 根据学生的成绩或反馈而做出的改变, instructional innovation, exploration of new pedagogy.

Intellectual Integrity

Approach to rigor, 你对学生期望的文件, 在课堂上评估学生学习的方法.


个人入息课税报表, instructional innovation, 学生对主题有反应的证据(例如.g. 学生反馈),学生作业的例子,社区参与,学生指导经验.


个人入息课税报表; approaches to pedagogy; instructional activities; student feedback; examples of student work; experimentation with service learning, online learning, or other pedagogies; undergraduate research.


  • feedback from chair
  • 在课堂观察中,来自教师同伴的反馈——非常重要
  • feedback from dean, if any
  • student evaluations, including sample data from student evaluations (not every course every semester); sample of written comments, if any



Anti-chronological listing in CV; copies or representations of products; explanation of your role in collaborative projects; engaged scholarship; awards; feedback from reviewers; letters from colleagues and external partners; co-authored products with students.



Committees, terms of appointment, your role; samples of creative contributions; learning-outcomes assessment, accreditation, faculty development; contributions to and innovations in instructional program.

Service on College Committees

Committees, terms of appointment, your role; samples of creative contributions; contributions to learning-outcomes assessment, accreditation, faculty development; FCTL sessions or workshops led.

Quality of Student Advising

Advising load, 个人入息课税提供意见的方法说明, activities undertaken to prepare for advising; include informal and student-group advising and research mentorship.

Professional Improvement

  • 教师发展计划:活动清单,包括FCTL计划,会议,研讨会
  • Graduate Courses: listing on CV; attendance at professional meetings; listing on CV; indicate role
  • Offices in Professional Organizations: listing on CV; indicate role
  • 领导和服务社会, State, 或国家:在简历中列出活动, statement of contributions, 社区或行业伙伴关系, media contacts made, if any
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