Dr. 塞缪尔·J. Breene

Department, Office, or School
Department of Music, Theatre and Dance
  • 教授

撒母耳Breene is a music historian and violinist, with a specialization in Baroque and Classical performance practice. The recipient of Javits, 梅隆, 和NEH奖学金, his scholarly work focuses on Mozart’s chamber music, approached from the perspective of Enlightenment culture. Other research interests include the American string band tradition and intersections of music and science. At Rhode Island College, he teaches courses in music history, as well as 通识教育 and Honors courses on interdisciplinary topics. In the performance area, he has served as faculty coach for chamber music and orchestra, 2010年, he established the Early Music Ensemble. Open to all instrumental and vocal majors, the ensemble has developed a strong community presence through public performances across Rhode Island. He is also a member of the Hope Collective for Early Music, a RIC faculty ensemble that offers free concerts, classroom demonstrations, 外展活动.


Lawrence University Conservatory of Music, B.M. in Music History and Violin Performance
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany, Advanced Performance Studies
杜克大学.M. in Performance Practice (baroque violin)
杜克大学博士.D. 在音乐学


FYS 100 The Power of 声音: Exploring Emotion in Music
HONR 264 Music and Medicine: Historical and Cultural Perspectives
MUS 164-03 Early Music Ensemble
MUS 205 Music History and Literature I
MUS 206 Music History and Literature II
MUS 311 Music of the Baroque
MUS 312 Music of the Classical Era
MUS 313 Music of the Romantic Period
MUS 314 Twentieth-Century Music
MUS 360/560 Senior/Graduate Seminar in Music Literature
PFA 461 Senior Seminar in the Performing 艺术

Sample Professional Activity

“声音ing Manuscripts: Seventeenth-Century Music for Violin and Theorbo,” Council on  图书馆 and Information Resources (CLIR) 梅隆 Fellows Symposium, “Looking Forward to the Past: The Future of Global Archival Research,” St. 路易斯,2022年5月.

Consultant on Period Performance (1880s) and Background Actor/Sideline Musician: Leader of Dance Orchestra, HBO的《esball官方网》, 一个季节, 外景拍摄, 纽波特, 1 - 2021.

Violinist with the Providence Baroque Chamber Orchestra, resident ensemble of Museum Concerts of Rhode Island, 成立于2018年.

“Deep Roots: An Old-Time Fiddle and Banjo Demonstration,” in conjunction with the exhibition American Folk Art, 地收集, 伍斯特艺术博物馆, 2015年7月.

“The Instrumental Body in the Age of Mozart: Science, Aesthetics, and Performances of the Self.《esball官方网》.2 (May 2014): 231–47.

“Mozart as Humanitarian: On the Poetics of Chamber Music,” public lecture at the Mostly Mozart Festival, 林肯中心, 纽约, 2013年8月.

“自我, 声音, and World: Listening to Mozart’s Travels,” research fellowship at the NEH Summer Institute, “Music and Travel in Europe and the Americas, 1500–1800,纽贝里图书馆, 芝加哥, 2013年7 - 8月.

Violinist with Musicke’s Cordes, resident ensemble of Early Music Missouri, with invited concerts at universities, 历史遗迹, 库, and religious venues across the United States, 成立于2013年.