Dr. 以利亚的. 埃德尔曼

  • 副教授

Dr. 埃德尔曼’s research takes an ethnographic and community-based approach in addressing how transgender and gender non-conforming communities become organized and managed through politics of racialization, pathologization and recuperation. Specifically his work undertakes a critical analysis of the personal, 社会政治, 法律, economic and health implications of gender transgression and sexuality among transgender and LGBT communities of color within the United States and in the global south. Dr. 埃德尔曼 employs community-based research methodology in his work, including producing accessible publications with research communities, such as in the forms of blog posts, 社区论坛, 电影及其他媒体. He extends non-traditional forms of academic work into the classroom, structuring courses and assignments in ways that ‘talk-back’ to traditional modalities of learning, encouraging students to utilize mixed media in expression and research, including the production of short graphic novels, 的杂志,和社区地图制作.



B.A., University of North Carolina-Greensboro


Trans Vitalities: Mapping Ethnographies of Trans Social and Political. 劳特利奇 & CRC的新闻. http://www.Routledge.com/Trans-Vitalities-Mapping-Ethnographies-of-Trans-Social-and-Political-Coalitions/Edelman/p/book/9780367539580

In Press 埃德尔曼,以利亚·阿迪夫, with Ruby Corado, Elena Lumby and Nico Quintana. 2014 Washington, DC Transgender Needs Assessment Survey. 社区生成的报告

在新闻 埃德尔曼,以利亚·阿迪夫. The Cum Shot: Trans Men and Visual Economies of Ejaculation. 色情片的研究

2014埃德尔曼,伊利亚·阿迪夫 and Lal Zimman. Boycunts and Bonusholes: Trans masculine bodies and the sexual productivity of genitals. Journal of Homosexuality 61:673-690.

2014埃德尔曼,伊利亚·阿迪夫. Not ‘In’ or ‘Out’: Taking the ‘T’ Out of the ‘Closet’. In Queer Excursions: Retheorizing Binaries in Language, Gender, and Sexuality. Lal Zimman, Jenny Davis, and Joshua Raclaw, eds. 牛津大学出版社.

伊利亚·阿迪夫. “Walking While Transgender”: Necropolitical Regulations of Trans Feminine Bodies of Color in the US Nation’s Capital. 在酷儿死亡政治中. Jin Haritaworn, Adi Kuntsman and Silvia Posocco, eds. 劳特利奇. 

伊利亚·阿迪夫, with Jessica Murgel. “Biopolitical Economies in Higher 教育 Debt Formation.《贝博esball官方网站》. http://www.anthropologynews.org/index.php/2013/05/03/biopolitical-economies-in-higher-education-debt-formation/ 

2012 埃德尔曼,以利亚·阿迪夫, with Jason Terry. “DCTC’s Chief Problem: Organizers of the trans coalition find fault with Lanier's handling of anti-trans violence.“MetroWeekly.  

2011埃德尔曼,伊利亚·阿迪夫. This Area has Been Declared a Prostitution Free Zone: Discursive Formations of Space, 国家, 以及变性性工作者的身体. Journal of Homosexuality 68(6-7): 848-864. 

2010埃德尔曼,以利亚·阿迪夫. “Looking Both Ways: Syringe Exchange with Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive (HIPS). (短片)

2009埃德尔曼,伊利亚·阿迪夫. “The Power of Stealth: (in)Visible Sites of Female-to-Male Transsexual Resistance.” In Out in Public: Reinventing Lesbian/Gay Anthropology in a Globalizing World. Ellen Lewin and William Leap, eds. Pp. 164-179. 著名. 

2009埃德尔曼,伊利亚·阿迪夫, with Audrey Cooper, Kathleen J. Grant, Noor Johnson, Khari Lamarca, William L. Leap和Michelle A. 马尔祖洛. Beyond the knowledge/action divide: The race, gender and social justice concentration in American University’s 人类学系. In 21st Century Approach To Teaching Social Justice: Educating for Both Advocacy & 行动. 理查德·约翰逊三世编. Pp. 75-54. 彼得朗出版社.

2009埃德尔曼,伊利亚·阿迪夫. “他的想象力? Complicating Attempts in Locating the Transgender Community.” Journal of Sex Research 46(1):97-98.



Gender and Sexuality (with a focus on transgender, transsexual and gender non-conforming identity and experience)


Community-Centered Research Projects
