荣誉项目 in Management and Marketing

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The Management and Marketing 荣誉项目 challenges exceptional students to discover and study topics of special interest while encouraging the development of their research skills.



After accumulating at least 60 credit hours toward your degree, you may apply for admission by submitting an 荣誉申请表格 and research proposal to 这把椅子 of the department Honors Committee. (见 荣誉提案清单.) Upon successful review of the application and research proposal, participation begins the following semester. You may apply at any time between the accumulation of 60 and 89 credit hours. No student may be admitted after accumulating 90 credit hours. 


  1. You must be enrolled in a major in the Department of Management and Marketing.
  2. 你至少得3分.50 GPA in all major and core courses taken prior to admission to the program.
  3. 你至少得3分.25 GPA in all courses taken prior to admission to the Departmental 荣誉项目 (including transfer credits).
  4. 你必须填妥 荣誉申请表格, including all transcripts from institutions of higher education, a letter of recommendation from a current faculty member and your research proposal.
  5. Your proposal must be approved by at least two of the three members of the Honors Committee.
  6. You must have a letter of acceptance by the Honors Committee.
  7. You must have final approval of your honors proposal by the department chair.

Please Note: Once your proposal has been accepted, you may also apply for the DeStefano Undergraduate Research Fund to help defray some of the costs of your project.


  1. You must maintain a B- or better in all major and core courses taken while a member of the honors program.

  2. You must maintain a C- or better in all other courses taken while a member of the honors program.
  3. You must maintain an overall GPA of 3.25 or better and a GPA in the major of 3.50或以上.
  4. You must submit current transcripts to 这把椅子 of the Honors Committee for each semester while a member of the honors program, with all major/core courses highlighted.
  5. You must complete your honors project while enrolled in two successive 400-level independent study courses under the supervision of a member of the department that is acceptable to the supervisor and to the Honors Committee.
  6. Your research project may be a historical study, a policy-analysis or an empirical study.
  7. Your honors project must be completed by April 1 of the year of graduation in the case of spring graduation or by November 1 of the year prior to graduation in the case of winter graduation. Your completed project must be presented to the members of the Honors Committee.
  8. You must receive an evaluation of satisfactory by the Honors Committee members.
  9. In the case of an unsatisfactory evaluation, 委员会可以提出修改建议, 哪一个, 如果及时完成, may result in a satisfactory evaluation.
  10. The evaluation of your project will be based on criteria announced prior to project production and dependent on the type of research conducted.
  11. You may appeal an unsatisfactory evaluation of a project to the Honors Committee, 部门谘询委员会, 这把椅子, 院长, the vice president for academic affairs and the president (in this order), but you must accompany such appeals with substantiating evidence of an incorrect or unfair evaluation.


Department of Management and Marketing

The Department of Management and Marketing prepares students for entry-level professional positions.

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