Liberal Studies B.A.

Students talking in lobby

A Multi-Disciplinary Degree Option

In the B.A. in liberal studies program, 您将与项目主管协商,制定一个学习计划,其中包括与您选择的主题或主题相关的多学科课程. 在你的高级研讨会上,你将完成一篇将你的课程联系在一起的论文或项目. For instance, you might want to use the social sciences, literature, 研究海洋在塑造罗德岛的过程中所起的作用. Or you might want to use insights from art, the social sciences, 历史和哲学来研究艺术在社会和政治抗议中的作用. Sciences, geography, 经济学和政治学可以用来研究美国的基础设施危机. The potential topics are unlimited.

As with all liberal arts majors, 你选择的确切主题与你在学习过程中获得的技能一样重要. 你将培养分析和批判性推理能力, effective oral and written communication and, in most cases, quantitative skills. 这些都是可转移的技能,可以在各种情况下应用, prized by employers in all areas of business, industry and public service.


Interested in Liberal Studies?


Program Details

Course Information

Here we provide information on course requirements, 每个项目的课程描述和罗德州学术地图, 一个学期一个学期的计划,帮助你在四年内毕业.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions

Academic Rhode Map

Program/Learning Goals

Upon completion of this program, students will:

  • 展示对学科观点的力量和局限性的理解.
  • 能够识别不同学科领域之间的差异和联系.
  • Utilize the perspectives, 人文学科的信息资源与探究工具, arts, mathematics and behavioral, 理解和评估证据和观点的社会和自然科学.
  • 能够以跨学科的视角整合各学科领域的知识.
  • Communicate effectively orally and in writing.
  • 在一篇顶点论文或项目中展示上述技能,该论文或项目整合了至少三个学科角度的信息,以产生对复杂问题或智力问题的跨学科理解.

Writing in the Discipline

In what ways is writing important to your profession?

The B.A. 通识教育是一门跨学科的课程,学生在指导老师的指导下,从学院各院系提供的课程中选择自己的专业课程. No matter which disciplines in math, science, arts, humanities or social sciences are focused upon, 学生需要掌握适合这些领域的写作模式和策略. In the final project produced in LIBS 461, the student brings together knowledge, 不同学科的研究策略和适当的交流形式.

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? Why these courses?

LIBS 461 is the WID course for Liberal Studies. In this capstone course, 学生利用和扩展在以前的课程中获得的知识来准备一个跨学科的项目, 哪一篇论文大概有25页长.

In addition to LIBS 461, 通识专业学生可以选修一门或多门WID课程,作为五个学科领域的必修课程的一部分.

学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? Why these genres?​

LIBS 461 is taught as an independent study. 学生与在与学生兴趣相关领域的专业知识方面被挑选出来的导师密切合作. Depending on the project, 一个或两个额外的教员可以作为该项目的读者. Because of the interdisciplinary focus, projects will vary from student to student, as will the forms and genres of writing employed. For instance, 一个学生可以写一篇传统的社会科学研究论文, another may write an economic analysis of an industry, and another may engage in a creative writing project. 无论什么项目,学生将被要求在他们的写作中借鉴多个学科.


Because LIBS 461 is taught as an independent study, 具体的教学实践将因项目而异. In most cases, however, 学生将与指定的指导老师密切合作, 谁来指导他们完成写作和研究过程的各个阶段.e. 选题、起草、修订、编辑、出版等.).

当他们完成了你们部门的WID要求, what should students know and be able to do with writing?​

学生将能够借鉴不同领域的见解,并将其整合到对问题的更深层次的理解中, question, or phenomenon.​​