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Student Loan Office


Exit Interviews


Exit counseling may be completed online or by calling 1-888-549-3274.


  • death or total and permanent disability;
  • 在学前教育项目中全职工作或在儿童保育或学前教育项目中全职工作;
  • 在为低收入家庭学生服务的小学全职担任教师;
  • full-time teaching as a special education teacher;
  • 对师资短缺的特定学科进行专任教学;
  • full-time employment as a nurse or medical technician;
  • 公共或非营利儿童或家庭服务机构的全职工作;
  • 作为合格的专业早期干预服务提供者,提供全时服务;
  • 全职工作,如执法或惩戒人员或消防员;
  • military service in a hostile fire/imminent danger area;
  • 具有硕士学位的专职图书馆员或具有硕士学位的言语语言病理学家;
  • full-time employment as a faculty member in a tribal college; or
  • 全职联邦公设辩护人或联邦社区辩护人.



如果借款人愿意但在经济上无法支付珀金斯贷款的要求, he or she may request that Rhode Island College grant forbearance. Forbearance is a temporary postponement of payments, an extension of time allowed for making payments, or the acceptance of smaller payments than were previously scheduled. Interest will continue to accrue during any period of forbearance. The borrower must request forbearance in writing, 提供文件,支持借款人声称他或她在经济上无法付款.

The forbearance is for a period of up to one year at a time. 可以续展,但总期限不得超过三年. 学院有权溯及既往(即, 如果借款人要求学校这样做,并且他或她提供了足够的文件来支持这一要求,则可以在更早的日期开始.

Forbearance is granted for the following reasons:

  1. 如果借款人有义务每月支付所有学生经济援助(SFA)贷款的总额等于或大于借款人每月总收入的20%. The borrower must provide the following documentation:
    • 借款人最近收到的每月总收入的证明
    • 证明借款人最近一个月欠他或她的SFA贷款的每月付款金额. 请记住,如果付款是按季度到期的,则必须将季度金额除以3以确定每月应付金额.
  2. If the borrower is in poor health. The borrower must provide the following documentation:
    • 由医生出具的借款人在一段时间内不能工作的证明.
  3. If the borrower is serving in AmeriCorps.


A borrower is entitled to have the repayment of a loan deferred. 在延期期间,借款人不需要支付贷款本金,也不产生利息. After each deferment, 借款人有权享受连续六个月的延期后宽限期. 你在学校时签的期票描述了许多类型的延期, such as an in-school deferment, available under the Perkins Loan program. 借款人必须使用延期表格以书面形式申请延期.

如果您正在寻找并且无法找到全职工作,您可以申请失业延期. 所需的文件要么证明你正在领取失业救济金,要么证明你在一家机构注册,该机构正在努力为你找到全职工作.

You may request an economic hardship deferment. 借款人有资格因下列原因而陷入经济困难:

  • 借款人已获得经济困难延期,无论是斯塔福德贷款还是PLUS贷款,延期的时间与珀金斯贷款延期的时间相同.
  • The borrower is receiving federal or state general public assistance, such as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Supplemental Security Income, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
  • 借款人是全职工作*,而每月的总收入不超过赚取最低工资的人的月收入, or (2) 150% of the poverty line** for the borrower’s family size.***

如果你不符合任何这些宽限或延期计划, we will still work with you to help you catch up on your payments. Please contact the office for details.

The Consequences of Default

  • Rhode Island College is required, by Federal Regulation, 每月向信用机构报告你的珀金斯贷款状况. If you become past due, your credit rating will be adversely affected.
  • If your loan payment becomes seriously past due, your account will be forwarded to a collection agency for collection. 所有相关的催收费用将被添加到您的未偿余额中.
  • 在催收或违约期间,您不得使用珀金斯贷款计划的取消条款.
  • Your entire balance due may become due immediately.
  • You are ineligible for any Federal financial aid while in default.
  • 你借钱买房的能力(抵押贷款)可能会受到影响. ​
Rhode Island College entrance


Office of the Bursar

财务司办公室提供有关学费和费用的信息, as well as payment options and billing deadlines.