


从最广泛的意义上说, governance documents are the officially adopted 规则s and 监管s necessary to govern human interaction. 它们对于任何大型银行的有序运作都是必不可少的, complex organization such as an institution of higher education.

治理文档有许多名称. 其中包括章程, 合同, 自定义, 指令, 行政行动(或命令), Guideline, 指令, 法律, 计划, 政策, Practice, Procedure, 建议, 监管, 规则, Statement, 法令, 还有很多其他的.

Each term has a different meaning -- however slight it may be -- but the terms are often used interchangeably, 从而造成混乱.

以减少误解的可能性, Rhode Island College has adopted the following taxonomy of governance documents:

A 政策 that addresses issues pursuant to the following articles of the  esball官方网校董会章程:

  • 第六条-学术政策和程序委员会
  • 第七条学术常务委员会
  • 第九条:学术技术咨询委员会
  • 第13条-会议委员会
  • 第八条研究生委员会
  • 第二十条-图书馆谘询委员会
  • Article XXIV – Advisory Committee on 本科招生 Policy

任何政策, 除了学术政策, governing the operation of the college or subordinate unit thereof, that has broad application beyond a single 部门 or 办公室, and that meets one or both of the following criteria: a) it helps achieve compliance with applicable 法律s and 监管s, 提高运营效率, 增强学院的使命, or reduces institutional risks; or b) it mandates actions or constraints and contains specific Procedures for compliance.

根据 R.I.G.L. § 16-59-4, which states the president “shall be the chief administrative and executive 办公室r…” of each public institution of higher education, the president may issue an executive action in order to fulfill the administrative and executive responsibilities of the 办公室. Such 指令s may be issued under extraordinary circumstances where timely action is required, 或者在总统认为必要的任何时候. An executive action remains in effect until it is altered or rescinded by a subsequent executive action, or until such date as specified within the executive action itself.

Procedures prescribe a series of steps necessary in order to carry out a 政策. Policies are often appended with Procedures, although procedural documents can also stand alone. All new Procedures or material amendment(s) thereof must be approved at the vice presidential level; however, whenever the Procedure or amendment affects more than one college division, review and approval must be obtained at the level of the President’s Executive Cabinet (P.E.C.)

Guidelines provide 建议s and advice that allow some discretion or leeway in interpretation, 实现, 或使用. 它们通常反映当前的最佳Practice. Guidelines may be appended to policies or Procedures, and can also stand alone. Guidelines must be reviewed and approved at one administrative level above their point of origin.

Statements are formally adopted or issued declarations from an 办公室r, 委员会, or other organized college entity that express an official viewpoint. They do not require review or approval; however, all Statements adopted by a 委员会 or organized group should reflect the documented viewpoint of a majority of members.

Practices are 自定义ary approaches to actions or events that occur on a regular basis. 协助未来的规划, 涉及一个以上部门的Practice, 办公室, 部门, 或单位应该有适当的文件. Practices are always subject to change as circumstances warrant, but any change in an established Practice must be communicated to all those affected.​​​​

  1. Develop and publish a process for the establishment of new governance documents that provides for review by appropriate officials and an opportunity for members of the college community to be heard on proposals that affect them.
  2. Develop and publish a process for amendment of existing governance documents. All material changes shall be subject to the same level of review as provided for new governance documents.
  3. Develop and publish a standard template for all proposals for new or amended governance documents.
  4. Administer the adoption process and serve as a resource for document authors.
  5. Maintain a repository of all official college administrative governance documents, 包括他们的修改历史.
  6. Ensure that all current college administrative governance documents are available online.
  7. Review and remain current with Postsecondary Council governance documents and identify areas in which the college must be in compliance
  8. Ensure that every administrative governance document is reviewed whenever necessary and at least once every five years.​


行政司 & 金融

The division is responsible for financial and budgetary systems and processes, 信息服务, 人力资源, 保安和安全, 设施及运作, 发布服务, 还有47号楼的基建项目, 180英亩的校园.​​​​​​​​​