数据科学B.S. 和小

Data Science math class with professor gesturing at projected graphs

Data Leading to Targeted Recommendations

How does a music streaming app predict what new music you will like? What factors influence your recommendations on social media? Enter the data scientist. 它们能够处理大量数据并提取有针对性的建议. B.A. in data science program will teach you how to:

Student points to a vibrant projected presentation in a math class
  • process and clean data
  • model trends appropriately
  • draw conclusions informed by mathematically sound techniques
  • 运用机器学习以及如何有效地传达你的发现

From Calculus to Real-World Data Problem Solving

你的数据科学之旅将从概率和统计开始. You will work your way through calculus and introductory statistics, then move on to the core data science sequence of Math 245, 345和445. 一路走来, 你将从你的数学课程中熟练掌握工业标准软件, as well as some introductory programming and machine learning. You’ll also learn about industry ethics and technical writing, 这将提高您向非技术受众传递技术信息的能力. Your study will culminate in a seminar, 当你处理现实世界的大数据问题时,你将在哪里把你所学到的知识付诸实践.

High Demand and High Salaries

Arrow rising icon

里克的B.S. 数据科学学位为进入最受欢迎的职业之一提供了一条途径, with one of the highest starting salaries. From startups to Fortune 500s to government agencies, 组织正在利用大数据,需要像您这样的数据科学家来帮助他们做出明智的决策.


Interested in Data Science?

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Course Information

These links provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and the Academic Rhode Map, 其中列出了你需要完成这个项目并及时毕业的所有课程.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions

Academic Rhode Map

Program/Learning Goals

Upon completion of this program, students will:

  • 对数学的内容和方法有一定的了解, 电脑 science and statistics
  • understand and use concepts and techniques in calculus, 线性代数, 概率, and discrete mathematics
  • 理解和使用高级语言的算法思维和编程
  • understand and use concepts and techniques in data collection, 分析, modeling and statistical inference
  • 运用他们在数学、统计学和计算机科学方面的知识解决问题
  • choose, fit and use mathematical models to solve problems
  • 使用高级语言对数据进行探索、可视化和形成假设
  • understand the connections between the knowledge domains of mathematics, 计算机科学和统计学,并使用这些领域的各种技能来解决问题
  • 进行基于数据的调查,并有效地沟通调查结果
  • receive raw data from a variety of sources and formats and then clean, transform and structure the data for 分析
  • communicate data-based findings visually, orally and in writing
  • 接触到与数据科学相关的伦理问题,如引用和数据所有权以及数据的安全性

Writing in the Discipline


In any career involving science and mathematics – including business, 研究, 教学, 其他的追求——关于过程和结果的书面交流是很重要的. 从事定量领域工作的人需要能够解释结果——包括对非技术受众的解释, 他们需要能够详细描述建立数学模型和分析数据的步骤.

哪些课程被指定为符合你所在系的WID要求? Why these courses?

Within the Data Science major, 课程M460:数据科学研讨会被指定为满足WID要求. As part of this course, students will choose a scientific problem, 讲师将作为一个促进者,帮助指导学生完成每个解决方案的过程, with the student documenting the work throughout.

学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? 为什么会有这些类型?

The writing will fall into the category of technical writing, 对学生的问题进行分析的文件和正式报告, 也应该有一个解释数学写作的组成部分(见Russek (1998)), 屠夫(2003)), 当学生为课堂准备一份不太技术性的报告时, 潜在的, 更广泛的受众.


风格和中间作业的细节会因讲师而异. There may be a variety of relatively short, low-stakes assignments. Regarding the main project, 预计在项目的时间跨度内,会有不同时间的反馈:当一个主题被选中时, as resources and methods are chosen, as an outline is created, as a first and revised drafts are created. There is an expectation of an ongoing feedback loop for each student.

When they’ve satisfied your department’s WID requirement, what should students know and be able to do with writing?

A student who has completed the Data Science major should be able to:

  • 写清楚的过程导向的工作,详细说明在数学建模和数据分析中解决问题的推理和步骤. This includes the ability to justify each step in a solution.
  • 写清楚的解释工作,以描述手头的数学和统计概念. 这包括向不熟悉该主题的听众描述数学概念的能力.
  • 写清楚的解释性工作来描述数据科学调查的结论和影响. 这包括向不一定是该主题专家的听众描述结果的能力.

Minor in Data Science

选修辅修课程可以让你探索其他感兴趣的领域,并建立跨学科的联系. Minor areas at RIC complement and reinforce all major areas of study. By declaring a minor, you can set yourself apart as a candidate for job, internship and volunteer opportunities.

Minor in Data Science

Rhode Island College entrance


Department of Mathematical Sciences
