Art history books on a shelf

Art History: A Weird and Wonderful World

Dive into the wonderful (and sometimes weird) 艺术世界! As an art history major, you will learn about the famous and infamous, the sacred and profane, the celebrated and silenced. 研究来自世界各地的艺术家、艺术品、建筑师和建筑. You will gain the visual skills to interpret these works; the historical, 社会, and political understanding to 的地方 these works into context; and the skills to power your own 研究. You will examine objects through how they were created, 见过, 欣赏, and sometimes misunderstood.

Where Do Our Graduates Go?

在艺术史中学到的知识和技能在艺术界和其他领域都很有价值. Our graduates have worked locally at the Newport Art Museum, RISD博物馆, 普罗维登斯的FirstWorks以及全国各地的艺术组织. 他们还从事信息技术、市场营销、电子商务和教育工作. Recent alumni have gone to graduate school for art history, arts administration, 教学, and library and information science.

How Could Studies in Art History Shape Your Career?

Art history is interdisciplinary; it draws from various fields in the humanities, 科学, 技术, and even engineering. 它还培养了雇主在求职者身上寻找的宝贵技能,包括批判性思维和分析能力, presentation and public speaking, 很强的写作, 研究, 解决问题, attention to detail, the ability to work independently and in teams, 心胸开阔, broad historical and cultural knowledge, 和创造力.1

Learn By Experience

Shape your resume as an art history student. 在 班尼斯特画廊, gain experience related to museum and gallery operations, curatorial practices, and arts administration. 在利皮特博物馆等当地机构实习,获得学分. 在亚洲、欧洲或南美留学,获得Shinn基金的奖学金.

1 Alison Griswold Business Insider


Course Information

Here we provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and an Academic Rhode Map for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.

Course Requirements 

Course Descriptions

Academic Rhode Map

Admission Requirements

  • Completion of a Plan of Study approved by assigned advisor. 
  • 完成主修形式的声明,表明工作室集中. 
  • 在艺术101和104成功的投资组合审查,导致最低等级C. 
  • 在其他机构学习的工作室艺术课程或进阶课程的学分需要作品集审查,证明最低等级等同.  

注意: 获取在其他机构学习的课程的学分转换信息或高级艺术课程的学分转换信息, 看到 Art Transfer Students  or obtain guidelines in the main office of ALEX AND ANI Hall. 

Retention Requirements

  1. A minimum grade of C+ in all courses in the concentration. 
  2. 保留该计划需要完成所有工作室基础课程, 通过积极的作品集审查,每门课程的最低成绩为C. 

Program/Learning Goals

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to demonstrate: 

  • 对过去所有主要艺术时期的纪念碑和主要艺术家的一般知识, 包括对20世纪艺术的广泛理解和对非西方文化艺术史的了解. 
  • A general knowledge of world history. 
  • Knowledge of the tools and techniques of scholarship. 
  • A functional knowledge of the creative process. 
  • 充分掌握至少一门外语,通过阅读原始资料来支持研究, as is appropriate to the student's areas of interest. 

Writing in the Discipline

In what ways is writing important to your profession? 

艺术系开设三个独立的本科专业:艺术教育, art history and studio art. Across these areas, 学生将学习如何清晰、分析地写艺术作品, whether they are made by the students themselves or by other artists. 

If you are pursuing the studio art major (B.A. 或B.F.A.), you must be able to write clear and interesting 艺术家语句, 工作申请, and grant and commission proposals. 

If you are pursuing the art history major, especially if you are interested in graduate studies, you must be able to write 研究论文. 博物馆和画廊的工作要求有清晰简洁的写作能力, including descriptions of artworks, business letters and grant applications. 

If you are pursuing the art education major, 你必须能够写课程计划和其他类型的特定于教育领域的文件.  

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? 为什么选这些课程? 

两门课程满足艺术系所有三个专业的WID要求:艺术231:史前到文艺复兴艺术和艺术232:文艺复兴到现代艺术. If you are an art studio major, 高级工作室课程中特定领域的写作是对艺术史写作的补充. 如果你是艺术教育专业的,你也会在很多高级课程中写作. 

你将在WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? 为什么会有这些类型? 

艺术系学生学习的写作体裁因专业而异. In Art 231 and 232 students write descriptions, 分析和比较个别艺术品-这些是在艺术写作的最基本的组成部分,必须掌握发展作为一个艺术家, art educator or art historian. 

In advanced and upper level courses, 艺术系学生写研究论文和对艺术史学术的回应, 学习将其他作家的思想融入他们的作品中,加深他们对艺术品和艺术运动的理解. 


You will encounter many different kinds of 教学 practices, including scaffolded writing projects, 同行评审, 课堂写作, 写作学习练习和讨论以及关于写作和写作作业的讲座. 

When you have satisfied your WID requirement, you should be able to: 

Write interpretive descriptions and comparisons of artworks, thesis papers based on artworks, 研究论文, 艺术家语句, cover letters and project proposals. 

Minor in Art History

选修辅修课程可以让你探索其他感兴趣的领域,并建立跨学科的联系. Minor areas at RIC complement and reinforce all major areas of study. By declaring a minor, you can set yourself apart as a candidate for job, internship and volunteer opportunities. Click below for information on the minor in art history. 

Minor in Art History