

The Departmental 荣誉项目 in anthropology permits students who have demonstrated ability in their coursework to pursue an independent study and research project of high excellence and receive recognition for this accomplishment. 获得人类学荣誉的项目通常在大四完成, 虽然一个项目可以在大三开始. 荣誉学生将通过一名愿意为他们提供建议的教员来学习, 得到系主任的同意. The Departmental 荣誉项目 in anthropology can be completed separately from or in coordination with 通识教育 Honors and College Honors.



  1. 你必须是主修人类学的. 
  2. 你至少得得3分.在esball官方网的累计平均绩点为00,至少为3.专业平均绩点25分. 
  3. 你必须向系主任提交申请, 获得一位教员的赞助,并提出一份初步提案,由系荣誉委员会审查. 注:由于教师休假的可能性, you should anticipate obtaining decisions from the 院系荣誉委员会 only during the normal academic year from September to June. 
  4. You must submit proposals that have been reviewed by your advisor to the 院系荣誉委员会 by April 15 for work beginning in the fall semester and by Nov. 从春季学期开始的学费是15美元. 这个日期与独立或定向学习的截止日期一致. 



  1. The project may be centered on a single investigation or be in two or three phases of either related or unrelated directions.
  2. 这个项目可以建立在课堂体验的基础上, 以前的个人经历或代表着全新的方向.
  3. 该项目可能主要基于图书馆研究,实地研究或两者兼而有之.

正常情况下, 在本专业的两个学期内完成六个学时的指导学习. 阅读课程或实习也可以代替. 任何额外的学时都可以计入本专业以外的学位要求.

以提高申请成功的可能性, you should initially write the proposal in such a careful manner that it will reflect acceptable standards of method, 范围和科学探究. This includes special attention to the requirements of the college Committee on the Use of Human Participants in Research.

The 院系荣誉委员会 will make copies of drafts and final versions of each honors project available to interested faculty within the timetable described below and at least one week prior to any final vote on that project. 本署鼓励各成员积极参与本委员会的活动.



  1. 一份约200字的摘要,供公众传播.
  2. 一个清晰的主题陈述,确定关键的研究问题或主题.
  3. 关于该建议与该学科当前理论的关系的明确陈述.
  4. 材料和/或方法的清晰说明.
  5. A bibliography of completed preliminary readings supporting the proposal and additional bibliographic material yet to be examined.
  6. 建议工程项目的先后发展大纲及每一阶段的完成时间表, 这将包括:
  • 提交日期 of the final draft to 的顾问 that is no later than March 1 (spring) or October 1 (fall).
  • 提交日期, 最终形式, 在不迟于4月1日或11月1日提交给系荣誉委员会.

A student can fully participate in the College 荣誉项目 activities (late April) and have "graduating with honors in anthropology" published in appropriate college graduation publications if these dates are met. 然而, students are strongly encouraged to establish deadlines that are realistic – reflecting the time constraints of their project, 他们的顾问, 系荣誉委员会和各种需要通知的大学项目. 建议的项目应设计为在上述截止日期之前提交和完成.


每三年一次, 4月, the faculty shall elect or nominate for appointment by 系主任 a 院系荣誉委员会 of three persons. 每人任期三年. 职责从大学学年开始,一直持续到学年结束. 


其他个人, 包括学生的指导老师和esball官方网内外其他项目的个人, may be invited to serve on the 院系荣誉委员会 for the duration of an honors project as voting members. 


The 院系荣誉委员会 shall respond favorably or unfavorably to each proposal which is appropriately submitted. 


  1. 分析深度. 
  2. 优秀的执行能力. 
  3. 书面陈述的高标准. 
  4. 遵守上文第三节关于具体项目组成部分的规定. 
  5. 遵守上文第二和第三节规定的最后期限. 

The 院系荣誉委员会 has the responsibility to require any improvements necessary for 学生 to have a reasonable expectation of achieving honors if the final project plan is approved by the 院系荣誉委员会. 


The 院系荣誉委员会 chair shall be responsible for maintaining a record of proposals and required revisions. Five copies of this record and the final decision regarding the proposal shall be made: one each for the committee, 学生, 的顾问, 系主任, 和荣誉项目. 

The completed project will be evaluated as follows: the project advisor will attach a note of transmittal and a review of the written project report will be prepared by the 院系荣誉委员会. 委员会的多数票是批准最终项目的必要条件. 

The 院系荣誉委员会 will communicate to 学生 its decision regarding the final written report in writing and signed by all three members, 4月8日或11月8日. 此通知将发送给主席和荣誉项目. 

Upon approval of the completed project 学生 will make an oral presentation in a departmental colloquium convened for that purpose or in an equivalent public forum. 该报告通常在提交并接受荣誉项目后进行. 

最终报告的一份副本将保留在部门档案中, one copy will be returned to 学生 with official approval noted and two copies (following an opportunity for necessary or desired grammatical or spelling – but not substantive – revision by 学生) will be submitted to Adams 图书馆 for the College Archives. 

如果系荣誉委员会作出否定的决定, their communication of that decision to 学生 4月8日或11月8日 will be accompanied by explicit and specific requirements concerning required revisions. The student may then resubmit the report for reconsideration by the 院系荣誉委员会 by April 15 or November 15 or follow the regular college appeal process. The 院系荣誉委员会 will reach its final decision and communicate that decision to 学生 by April 22 or November 22. 

The 院系荣誉委员会 will advise the department at the first regularly scheduled department meeting each semester and may report occasionally to the department concerning the status of honors projects.